Terms of Service

These Terms of Service reflect the way Rare Discovery Labs business works, the laws that apply to our company, and certain things we’ve always believed to be true. As a result, these Terms of Service help define Rare Discovery Lab’s relationship with you as you interact with our services. For example, these terms include the following topic headings:

  1. What you can expect from us, which describes how we provide and develop our services
  2. What we expect from you, which establishes certain rules for using our services
  3. Content in Rare Discovery Lab, which describes the intellectual property rights to the content you find in our services — whether that content belongs to you, Rare Discovery Lab, or others
  4. In case of problems or disagreements, which describes other legal rights you have, and what to expect in case someone violates these terms

Understanding these terms is important because, by using our services, you’re agreeing to these terms.

Besides these terms, we also publish a Privacy Policy. Although it’s not part of these terms, we encourage you to read it to better understand how you can update, manage, export, and delete your information.

Rare Discovery Labs
20770 US Highway 281 N
San Antonio, TX 78258
(210) 526-1936